Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Design Considerations : Building a Global data Model !

There are various design considerations in term of how to utilize the cube or the DSO in level 1 & Level 2.

1. As much as possible, please use the same type of keyfigures & characteristics as we built a multiprovider out of 6 plan & actual Infocubes.We had faced an issue with the 0APO_SafetyQty as one of the keyfigure was of type 'Quan' & another of type 'FLTP'.

2. One of the keyfigure ' Safety Stock' has an exception aggregation by 0Mat_Plant, so 0Mat_Plant should always be included in the BI Data Model.

3. Always,when determining how to group dimensions, always try to come up with a hierarchy and based on the possible values we expect, we should be clubbing them. For e.g you have Material Dimension, Plant Dimension & SourceSystem Dimension. As per the Global Data Model, we are sourcing from three different sources and hence actually you should have only 3 values for 'Source System' so it's better to remove Source system as a dimension and move it either plant or material. Now as per hierarchy sourcesystem --> Location --> Material , we should club characteristic with dimension 'Location' and not 'Material'.

4. If any of the infoprovider ( which are part of the Global Multiprovider ) has a navigational attribute enabled, make sure it is enabled in all the other concerned Infocubes & Multicube and really the parent attribute should be a Global infoobject without having conflicting master data entries. for e.g attribute Material Group & Material Plant for infoobject '0Material'

5. wherever possible if there is no source information available for compounding characteristic '0Mat_Plant' etc, map to characteristic such as '0Material' .

to be continued..........

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